Persimmon Books is a rather new publishing house among the Israeli publishers – established on January 2018.
After over 25 years in the publishing industry serving as Print Production Manager and Editorial Manager, I have embarked on a new challenge to follow my dream of establishing my own publishing house with the books I have passion and dreams to release and present to the Hebrew language readers.
I set myself the goal of finding books that I love and those that I would like to recommend to my readers hoping that they too will find them special, inspiring and gain a unique reading experience.
Persimmon Books’ agenda is to find literary hidden gems, that bring up social statements and personal conflicts - and at times political criticism. Our books mainly from the first half of the 20th century going back to the late 19th century – an important point in time in which the beginning and creation of the psychoanalysis as well as the search for the individualism within society made substantial changes that are still relevant nowadays, even with greater significance.
It is immensely important for me to publish books in which I find social, cultural and political references out of LGBTQ diversity, whether by writers known for their sexual orientation or in classical works in which a stimulating literary debate is held on the issue of sexual choice, acceptance of one self and acceptance of the different and the other - a discussion that has always been relevant and define us as individuals and human beings, no matter what our choice or inclination is.
I truly hope and would like to believe that our modern classics books can and will bring new depth, specialty and of course quality to the more sophisticated readers.